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Welcome to Madrona School!

Principal: Dr. Fabian Castilleja
Student Intervention Coordinator: Tawny Clark
Office Manager: Kelly Carlson
Registrar: Kim Zimmerman

Phone: 425-431-7979
Fax: 425-431-7985

ATTENDANCE LINE: 425-431-2996 

For information about attendance, please click here.

Start Time:  9:25 a.m.
End Time Mondays - Thursdays: 3:55 p.m.
End Time Fridays: 2:40 p.m.
Half Day Early Release:  12:25 p.m.

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About Our Building

Photo of Madrona School

Edmonds School District replaced the previous Madrona School, thanks to a 2014 voter-approved Capital Construction Bond, additional revenue from the sale and/or lease of District property and approval from the School Board. Madrona K-8’s new building opened January of 2019.

Square footage:
The new facility is approximately 80,000 square feet with five new buildings for classrooms and one for the entry, administration, gym, cafeteria, kitchen, library, and the school’s music and science programs.
Madrona K-8 Construction Project